Sunday, January 22, 2012


Word of the day is Garbage.  I refuse to call my tormentors by their given name. So today their names are Garbage. Painful before I even got up. Nice. Oh well. Today has started and my new Fibroma Friend in the U.K. has celebrated his birthday without a Happy Birthday from me and for that I apologize. Happy Birthday Gary I hope it was great I read your Blog sounds like your feet were boycotting your Birthday. I am sorry to read that. The treatments are just that treatments they are just trials and errors on the researchers part. It might slow some it might not. They are just guessing and today I am tired of guessing games. In my chair, warm sockies on, pain pills on board and all I need now is a good book but instead I will Blog for a bit. I hope all that suffer even mildly with this disease have a calm and comfortable afternoon and evening. May we all be blessed in 2012 with a cure. Love from my living room to yours. At least we have found a couple more people Gary its only taken me 2 years to find 1 person and here you have found another person  on your ledderhose blogother than me.. Great start to a new year..

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for the message. It is nice to have a few people on the forum, maybe we can get a little community going and then actually be able to do something about raising awareness. I have a few plans that I hope to put into action after getting my MRI results a week tomorrow.
